Sunday, April 23, 2017

Oh how have I've grown...

It's been almost one year post graduation...And life is GREAT...A lot of hard work, long hours...but, OH, How I've grown...
It was worth every tear shed, every prayer prayed, every moment of greatness, every moment of perceived defeat. When you have a burning passion that cannot be extinguished with no amount of know you are on the right path...keep going...don't stop...never give up...

Not, trying to make you believe this was an easy was far from that but is was well worth the struggle. I was just sharing that struggle is a part of life, of success...and do not discount the process, because in that struggle builds character, integrity, strength, and a solid foundation on what you are really made of...My foundation is not made of sand. I refuse to let excuses, circumstances hinder me for achieving that which I believed deep down inside was my destiny, my desire, my hopes, and one of my greatest dreams and achievements...

NOW, this is not the end of this story of triumph...but, ONLY THE BEGINING..THE SKY is THE LIMIT..THE WORLD IS MINE!